Our first video made especially for Alpha Charlie Travel. We all get a little tight when we travel, whether from the anxiety of the journey or from the physical discomfort of hours spent sitting in planes, trains, and automobiles. Here is a simple sun salutation, followed by some hip openers. You may follow along with the video or slow down the movements to your desired pace. This series is best experienced if you repeat it for two or three sets, breathing a little deeper each time.
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"You eat the last piece of jamón," Angel would tell me, each week, before I would fly back to the U.S. "I can eat it tomorrow. You can't." I hated hearing that. Thanks to a pork-sniffing beagle in the customs hall at JFK, jamón was one of the few things I could not take with me, unless I wanted my passport flagged for the next six-months of travel. So, finally, I just moved to Spain.
Now, we look forward to friends visiting and insisting that they eat the last piece of jamón. Here are some of our go-to recommendations for friends visiting town.
Kilometer zero. All roads begin here. This is at Plaza del Sol.
It is #FitToFlyFriday and here is your workout!
Perform 20 seconds of burpees Rest 10 seconds Repeat for a total of 8 sets* We recommend using "Gymboss," a free timer app for your smartphone. *This type of workout is called a "Tabata." Tabatas can be done with any exercise. The intention is to create a high-intensity total body workout in just 4-minutes, comprised of 8 sets of 20-seconds of work and 10-seconds of rest. Therefore, if is recommended that you choose complex movements that work multiple joints and muscles. For example, burpees or kettlebell swings would be better choices than just sit-ups or push-ups.
It is #FitToFlyFriday and here is your workout!
Try this exercise combo to strengthen your sub scapulae to improve your posture and strengthen your upper back. This group of muscles is an area of opportunity for most individuals, no matter their activity level. So whether you want to stand a little straighter, hold a plank longer, or lift more weight, give this area its much deserved attention. In each of the three positions shown, complete 20-30 pulses. The movements are small, but significant. Move continuously from one position to the next, rest up to a minute (less is better here) and repeat for 3 to 5 sets, depending on your level/ability. I am using two orange/micro jump stretch bands, firmly secured to the door handle. You can secure it to anything at about waist level. These are easy to pack when you travel and to correct your posture after a long day in planes, trains, and automobiles. Do you sit all day? from Christine Hannon on Vimeo. "Make, don't just take, a photo."
My university professor's words inspire intention in each of my photographs. He did not allow us to edit our photos. To this day, I do not edit the composition of most of my photos. I learned to shoot with film, so I take the time to make the photo. I then just edit the lighting, if needed. Below are a few techniques to improve the aesthetic of your photographs. Choose just one, or a combination, in order to not just document a memory but to create a story that suddenly captivates a complete stranger.
It is #FitToFlyFriday and here is your workout!
Set A: Perform continuously, one time through start to finish 30-seconds mountain climbers 2-minute plank (drop to knees if needed) Rest 20-seconds 30-seconds mountain climbers 90-second plank Rest 20-seconds 30-seconds mountain climbers 1-minnute plank Rest 20-seconds 30-seconds mountain climbers 30-seconds plank Rest 2 minutes
22 Lessons from My First 100+ Hours in the Cockpit
At Alpha Charlie Travel, we take you from A to C, where you can Be yourself in-between. As your travel specialists, we make certain you are a passenger only when you are in the plane. Enjoy the lessons and video, below, as you prepare to pilot your own travels. We may have control over very little, but we do have choices. The following lessons apply well beyond the forces of flight.
AuthorsChristine & Angel Aisle or windowHe likes the window; she likes the aisle. Match made at FL350. Here are some other travel preferences. Full disclaimer: These are affiliate links, meaning the authors are rewarded for referrals (usually in the form of a credit to use more of the product/service themselves). Pinky promise: Recommendations are simply the best.
The Art of Strength is our sister site, with all of your fitness needs. Whether you are training for your next adventure, to avoid shopping for bigger clothes so that you can save money for your next adventure, or to have more energy with your kids, there is a training program for you. Click the photo below for the latest training special.
When we are not hitchhiking through the airport and landing in foreign lands, Christine is teaching English in Spain. She also offers classes via Skype, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your home, with flexible scheduling. Click the photo below for more information.
We are in the coffee business. Because wherever we go, we drink coffee. And let's face it, some hotel coffee leaves a lot to be desired. So now we can pack our own. Click the link below to have your coffee delivered to your home, to drink there and on the go.
Away makes thoughtful luggage featuring unbreakable shells, interior compartments, and built-in USB chargers. Click the image for $20 off your order.
Airbnb is the preferred accomodation for Christine & Angel when they want to connect with locals, want to keep their entire group under one roof with the privacy of separate bedrooms, or when staying in a place known for expensive hotels. Click here or on the photo below to save on your first stay.
New users, click the photo below, or sign-up with code christineh8502ue to get your first Uber ride for free.
Make your travels meaningful with Pack for a Purpose. Simply use a small amount of space in your luggage to pack supplies needed by community projects around the world. Click the photo below to find a project in your destination.
January 2019